Gabor Maté Wisdom of Trauma

Gabor Maté Wisdom of Trauma

Discovering the Wisdom of Trauma A 4-day Online Retreat With Gabor Maté, Betsy Polatin, and Laura Inserra

Trauma shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world. It is at the root of our deepest wounds. Virtually all our afflictions, mental illnesses, physical diseases stem from trauma. Trauma distorts our view of reality and leaves us stuck in contraction, defense and reactivity. It compromises our capacity to be in the moment, to be present to our relationships and to fully take in the environment.

The wisdom in the trauma comes through when we realize that our traumatic responses and imprints are not us, that we can follow all traumatic responses back to their source, work through them, let them dissipate and thus reconnect to the unblemished, ecstatic consciousness that we were born with.

Join Dr. Gabor Maté for this 4-day participatory, interactive online workshop on understanding and healing trauma. Gabor will share decades of research and experience. He will guide us to discover the root cause of our trauma. We will begin building a relationship with it, so we can start to uncover the wisdom and reconnect to our true selves beneath the hurts and adaptations.

The workshop will include daily teachings and interactive engagements with and amongst participants. We will learn some of the tools offered by Gabor’s Compassionate Inquiry approach. We will also be gently guided daily by Betsy Polatin MFA, SEP in Somatic Experiencing practices and resolution of trauma in the body. This combination invites pain, discomfort and repressed emotions to come to the surface to be experienced, witnessed and let go of in a safe, supportive setting. Acceptance, allowing, non-judgement, expression and self-compassion are the ingredients needed for healing.

The teaching will be articulated in four main themes:

1. Recognizing Trauma
2. Loosening the Grip
3. Expanding Compassion
4. Developing Resilience

Why attend?

  • to be introduced to the process of Compassionate Inquiry
  • to understand your own triggers and their origin
  • to recognize mental-emotional patterns and triggers, and how they limit your wholeness, choice and freedom
  • to bring healing and integration to trauma from past traumatic events
  • to find a greater sense of aliveness by completing unresolved or repressed emotions
  • to participate in daily, live inquiry sessions with Dr. Gabor Maté

This online workshop is limited to 1,000 participants. We expect to sell out, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible.

Who is this online retreat for?

This will be an in-depth program, suitable for therapists, spiritual seekers and anyone looking for a profound, experiential understanding of their traumatic imprint and the hidden beliefs that sustain it.

Daily schedule

Betsy Polatin – Breath and Movement 9:00 – 9:10
Gabor Maté – Presentation and Q&A 9:10 – 10:20
Betsy Polatin – Breath and Movement 10:20 – 10:30
Breakout Sessions 10:30 – 11:00
Break 11:00 – 11:15
Gabor Maté – Presentation and Q&A 11:15 – 12:20
Betsy Polatin – Breath and Movement 12:20 – 12:30
Laura Inserra – Metamusic Journey (On Saturday only) 1:00 – 2:00

Retreat container

  • Gabor will be offering a mixture of didactic presentation and Q&A sessions with participants. The event is structured like a live retreat, and all participants are invited to participate live to all sessions on all days.
  • Gabor will be answering questions live, subject to limitations due to time available and number of participants.
  • Sessions will take place through the Zoom platform. A link will be sent to participants the day before the event.
  • Confidentiality is an integral part to the container of this event. Please do not share any session content with anyone.
  • Gabor’s questions are only an invitation.  You choose at which level you feel comfortable participating.
  • If you have any concerns, please reach out to the SAND team. We are here to support you.

Metamusic Journey

On Saturday Oct 2 at 1:00 pm, Laura Inserra will host a MetaMusic Journey. MetaMusic is the development of Laura’s work around the universal, transformative, and healing power of sound. This immersive sound experience into enchanted soundscapes is an invitation to listen with your whole body to your inner visions, feelings, and states of awareness. For the best immersive experience, headphones or a good sound system are highly recommended.


  • Your registration includes access to all recordings of the event, so any missed sessions may be watched at a later date. Group exercises will not be recorded.
  • Having a web camera is strongly recommended.
  • Please note that by participating in this event, you agree for your audio and video to be recorded.

Event Information

}  september 30, 2021 to oktober 03, 2021
  donderdag, 05:31 pm to 05:31 pm
n  past event, virtual banner with text
  audio production, online event, post production, technical support online event, video production

Event Organizer

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